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The Kurzweil Applied Intelligence Alumni Newsletter

Go to: Welcome Table of Contents What's New Registration Database

What's New - 1998
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Current 2000 1999 1997 1996

* means an article you must be registered to view
* 12/31/98 During December, the database had NO changes! Please get your updated information to the Kurzweil Alumni News. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
12/28/98 Here is the Boston Globe review of Ray's new book from Sunday, December 27, 1998 edition.
12/6/98 Someone sent the Alumni News a note that they'd found at Amazon.com that Ray has a new book about to be published! An Alumni News article has been added with all the details from the Amazon.com web site.
* 11/30/98 During November, the database had one update. Please get your updated information to the Kurzweil Alumni News. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 10/31/98 During October, the database had two updates. Please get your updated information to the Kurzweil Alumni News. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 9/30/98 During August and September, the database had NO changes! Please get your updated information to the Kurzweil Alumni News. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 8/12/98 Edith Maxwell has supplied a second profile about her upcoming year stay in Africa.
* 7/31/98 During July, the database changes with eight updates. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
7/19/98 A new section has been added to the Kurzweil Alumni News. It's called Show-Help: Positions Wanted and is a place that registered users can post resumes if they are looing for a new job. There are both public and private postions. The public postings are available to everyone on the Internet; the private only to registered Kurzweil Alumni News members. If you would like a resume posted, you need to send e-mail to Pat Peabody or Steve Rothman. Please indicate what you want posted in the public section, and what privately. You can include a downloadable resume if you like; suggested formats are Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF.

This new section is the first time the Alumni News uses web browser "Frames". This feature first showed up in Netscape version 2 and Internet Explorer version 3. If you have an ancient browser, it will not be able to display this section. Note that in the future, frames will likely also be used in other areas of the newsletter.

* 7/3/98 The database has been updated to change the L&H addresses to 52 from 54, and some of the Boston area zip code and area code changes have been entered, although many are still wrong.
* 6/30/98 During June, the database changes with three updates. Please keep those cards and letters coming (or the modern, electronic equivalents). And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 5/31/98 During May, the database changes with one lonely update. Please keep those cards and letters coming (or the modern, electronic equivalents). And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 4/30/98 During April, the database changes with one lonely update. Please keep those cards and letters coming (or the modern, electronic equivalents). And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 3/31/98 During March, the database changes with 3 updates. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 2/28/98 During February, the database changes with 3 updates. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
* 1/31/98 During January, the database grows with 1 addition plus 14 updates. And, don't forget to check out the current Where Are They Now? for missing KAI Alums you can help us locate.
1/31/98 There's been some confusion over the new L&H/KAI address; apparently the correct address is "52 Third Avenue", although it was initially thought to be "54 Third Avenue". The database entries of current L&H employees were updated before the change from 54 to 52, but we suspect that either will work. The KAI Move page has been updated.
1/8/98 What's left of Kurzweil AI has moved to Burlington, Massachusetts. Check here for more information.
* 1/8/98 There's a photography show during the month of January at the Concord Free Public Library in Concord, Massachusetts featuring photos by three KAI people. Voices You'll Recognize has some additional information.
* means an article you must be registered to view

Other What's New Pages
Current 2000 1999 1997 1996

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Go to: Welcome Table of Contents What's New Registration Database

Questions or Problems? Send e-mail
December 31, 1998